What We Do
© 2025 AIRINC Associates for International Research, Inc.
Based on detailed research and experience, AIRINC developed the limited-edition calculator for 30 world cities to help assess the impact on salary and purchasing power when moving to another city. This calculation uses AIRINC’s accurate and defensible data research on the cost of goods & services, housing and tax. For a more comprehensive list of cities, please contact us.
Remote work can open new doors for organizations by enhancing their employee value proposition, which contributes to happy and productive employees. It can support a diverse and inclusive workforce by unlocking access to new talent pools. It can provide existing employees access to new roles that may have been unavailable due to personal situations or cost limitations.
Cost-of-living data is the component that helps you evaluate your total rewards program on a global scale. AIRINC provides you with consistent cost-of-living data to assist both in the design of global compensation schemes and the assessment of employee compensation when crossing borders or working remotely.