Benchmarking Overview
Partner with AIRINC for an unbiased and informed evaluation of your market competitiveness.
Please visit our Resource Library to download our recently published Benchmark Surveys.
We do not currently have any surveys open for participation.
An affordable and fast way to understand your market position. Our in-house policy and practice database offers data cuts for various parameters. In two to three weeks, you’ll know if your policy is at, above, or below market and have data-backed information to make changes.
Scores are based on AIRINC’s comprehensive policy database which can report on practice by industry, program size, or region.
Review your policy through the lens of the ESG pillars: Environmental, Social, and Governance. AIRINC provides information on how leading companies are tailoring their policies to be more ESG-focused, and shares suggestions on how to revise your own policy.
Access market practice relevant to your industry. We conduct surveys, facilitate in-person and virtual discussions, and manage networking groups for many different industries. Here are some of the industries we’ve worked with:
We help you get valuable insights so you can make informed decisions.
We follow safe harbor guidelines to ensure proper data collection and reporting.
Access the latest data on trending topics. We are continually collecting data on policy and trending topics to help our clients make informed decisions.